Friday, September 28, 2007

Worst Travel Experiences!

For a class activity, we wrote up some of our worst travel experiences! From missed flights to disgusting food to heavy luggage, these trips are little nightmares. Here are a three of them:

Alessandro's Dilemma in Munich
My worst travel experience was when I went to Brussels. I took an airplane from Ancona to Brussels, with a connection in Munich. When I arrived in the Munich airport, I went to breakfast in a bar, forgetting that my flight for Brussels had only a short layover. When I got to the gate, my flight for Brussels had already left without me five minutes before! Unfortunately, the next flight wasn't for another five hours. However, the Lufthansa people were nice and let me go standby for free.

Yucky Malta for Ombretta
My worst trip was when I went to Malta. I was 17 years old, and I left with my class for a cultural exchange program.

I'd never visited Malta before, and I was very excited to go. The worst thing was the that the organisation of the trip was terrible. We slept at a college with very dirty rooms. In fact, it was dirty everywhere, and there were only two toilets--one for girls and one for boys--even though there were 20 of us students! And don't even get me started about the food...the "cooks" fried the French Fries in the morning and we didn't eat them until later that evening for gross!

Anyway, it was a very fun holiday week. Malta was very beautiful and I enjoyed myself very much when I was with my school mates, who were a very crazy group!

Excess Baggage for Flavio
My worst travel experience was when I went to Rome for a job. For this job, the factory gave me a room in a beautiful hotel. I prepared a very full bag to bring with me, with many kinds of things inside. I left at 3 am, on a train, with my very heavy luggage.

After the first interview with my new employer ,I went to Florence, the final location of my new job, lugging my very heavy baggage along with me, to start my job experience the next day.

It was a very stressful trip, because my inappropriate baggage was too heavy and too big.

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